Printed Books
- Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
- Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther
- Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Honest Money by Gary North
- Puritan Economic Experiments by Gary North
- Doing Business God’s Way by Dennis Peacocke
- Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men by Dennis Peacocke
- You’ve Heard It Said by Gary DeMar
- Unconditional Surrender by Gary North
- Idols for Destruction by Herbert Schossberg
- The Institutes of Biblical Law by R.J. Rushdoony
- The Greatness of the Great Commission by Kenneth Gentry
- The True Story of Noah’s Ark by Tom Dooley
- Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation by Dennis R. Petersen
- Always Ready by Greg Bahnsen
- Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by Sarah, Stephen, and Grace Molly
Digital Books
via the Bulgarian Christian Internet Library
- Instruction in the Faith by John Calvin
- Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther
- Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
- Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Inherit the Earth by Gary North
- Dominion Covenant by Gary North
- Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators by David Chilton
- Tools of Dominion by Gary North
- Honest Money by Gary North
- Puritan Economic Experiments by Gary North
- Doing Business God’s Way by Dennis Peacocke
- 75 Bible Questions by Gary North
- The Future Great Planet Earth by Wim Rietkerk
- The Greatness of the Great Commission by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.
- A Christian Reconstructionist Primer by Andrew Sandlin
- Paradise Restored by David Chilton
- Dominion and Common Grace by Gary North
- Days of Vengeance by David Chilton
- Institutes of Biblical Law by Rousas John Rushdoony
- Liberating Planet Earth by Gary North
- He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry, Jr.
- Unconditional Surrender by Gary North
- You’ve Heard It Said by Gary DeMar
- Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men by Dennis Peacocke
- Idols for Destruction by Herbert Schossberg
- Evolution or Creation by Dechko Svilenov
- The Evolution Cruncher by Vance Ferrell
- Infallibility: An Inescapable Concept by Rousas John Rushdoony
- Always Ready by Greg Bahnsen
- History of the Reformation by Merle D’Aubigne
- Training Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade
- Intellectual Schizophrenia by Rousas John Rushdoony
- The Children Trap by Robert L. Thoburn
- Who Owns the Family? by Ray R. Sutton
- The Christian Philosophy of Education Explained by Stephen C. Perks
- Teaching the Trivium by Harvey & Laurie Bluedorn
- The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell
- Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends by Sarah, Stephen, and Grace Molly
- Homeschooling: Patchwork of Days by Nancy Lande
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